Why looking good on the pitch is important
We recently asked you why it is important to look good on the pitch. Here are some of your responses…
Why it is important to look so sharp on the pitch is because I want to look sharp and professional in your guys goalie gear.
I feel it’s important to look sharp on the pitch because when you look sharp you will therefore feel sharp and that is crucial in my overall game!
Looking good on the pitch is important to me since it inspires confidence. If you are confident then you play better.
I like to look sharp on the pitch because if you feel good you play well!
Looking sharp on the pitch is important to me as it shows all the other players on my team that I am in the best kit on the market OBO!!!!!!
Wearing OBO on the pitch also shows the other team that they have no chance of hurting me or putting a goal past me, clean sheets all the way.
For spending good money on the best gear available it is REALLY important that it looks perfect all the time!
I have lost the logo badge of my hi-control LHP. Without it I am letting in way too many goals as I just don’t have the look I need and the opposition seem to know it. I need that badge to up my confidence and get clean sheets again.
Why is it important to look so sharp on the pitch?……I want to look sharp and professional in your guys goalie gear.
Looking the part makes me look and feel like a boss, confidence is everything!
It wouldn’t be called hockey if we didn’t look good! I am just joking but by looking good in OBO not only my teammates take me seriously but the opponents can too.
Look great – Feel great – Play great………..that’s why it has to be OBO!!
Looking sharp and wearing the best protection available (OBO of course) gives me the confidence to perform at my best.
Can you send me a set of Hi Rebound replacement badges for my kickers and pads, without them I just don’t feel as sharp. My motto ‘look good, play good’.
Looking sharp on the pitch is important, because so much of sport is about the psychology behind it. If you look good you feel good and feeling good adds to your confidence, also it is more intimidating for the opposition to see a keeper with sharp kit, they know you take your hockey seriously!
I love to look great on the pitch!! and OBO helps me with this!! always making the best goalkeeping gear to the way I like it!!! I feel better more confident, and play better when I have got the best of OBO gear! I love colour, OBO just help me put my personality in to my goalkeeping inside and out!!
I take great pride in my kit and appearance and I actually feel embarrassed playing without the badges!
Not feeling completely perfect on the pitch sticks in my mind as a distraction!
Looking good in goal is important to me because you can try your hardest to be the best, but if you don’t look it, you’re only half way there!
Looking sharp on the pitch is important for me, because the goalkeeper is the face of the whole team, so one goal keeper can represent one team. Hence, we must look always sharp, clean and amazing on the pitch.
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