The First Ever Goalkeeper Coach & Trainer Forum
Martijn Drijver, principal of the Drijver Goalie Academy based in The Netherlands has suggested it’s high time that goalkeeper Coaches and Trainers from around the world get together for a day of sharing, learning, discussions and doing … and of course some fun.
There’s so much to learn, so much to share.
We at OBO agreed and together with a small team of like-minded passionate people want to get your reaction to our progress to date. So here’s where we are at ….
Who ■ Goalie Coaches and Trainers who are passionate about improving their coaching… who want to contribute to the world’s body of knowledge about ‘keeping’ … basically those coaches and trainers who want to take ‘keeping’ and their coaching to a whole new level.
We don’t know what we don’t know!
When ■ Wednesday 4th June 2014 (a rest day at the 2014 World Cup)
Where ■ The Leiden Hockey Club (20 minutes via train from The Hague), The Netherlands (it has amazing meeting areas and 3 pitches are already booked)
What ■ A full day of …. presentations, discussions and debate. This is not about lectures. There is no right answer. Let’s share the pros and cons of various approaches.
…. On field sessions showing, doing, talking, sharing. ….. An evening of food, fun and friendship.
Topics in Mind ■ Saving and clearing the ball, Saving within the 6 metre zone, The mental aspects of ‘keeping’, The conditioning/physical training of goalies
Led by ■ Martijn Drijver (Holland), Grahame Mansell-Grace (UK) and several top trainers still to be finalised – hosted by Guus Vogels (Holland) and supported by a number of highly experienced Keepers from around the world.
Cost ■ There will be a cost but we promise it won’t be exorbitant – just enough to cover costs. This is all about sharing, growing, learning, developing and connecting…not making money.
Are you a starter? Tell us if you are interested, if you can come and any suggestions you have for ‘the day’.
Register your comments and interest by emailing
Here is a downloadable PDF with all the information needed!
Global Forum
Supported by OBO because they really care about helping goalkeepers
… Goal Keepers are Amazing People!
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