Good goalie drills
I really enjoy your tips on the OBO website. I am coaching for the first time this year and was wondering if you might have some good goalie drills? I have some pretty basic ones down so far, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. Out of three of us that are coaching, none were goalkeepers, so any help you might be able to offer would be much appreciated.
A couple of quick things about drills for keepers, there’s nothing too simple when it comes to drills. Depending on the level of your keepers, prioritise the skills you want to develop. I think kicking is the most important skill they can have, check out the kicking drill ideas in my tips section. I think that will explain a lot.
Big thing for drills, develop a philosophy for training that anything (i.e. shots) that goes towards goal, must go out (i.e. cleared out of the circle). Give keepers the time to clear. Nothing develops bad habits faster than rapid fire shooting drills where there is no consequence to not clearing a ball. Encourage your keepers to try to clear first time wherever possible. It may be frustrating at first, but the sooner they get on to the concept, the quicker they’ll advance. Hopefully that gives you some ideas to start with.
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