Getting the ball in play on a 16 yard hit
Could you please reference the rule regarding keepers getting the ball in play on a 16 yard hit? Is it illegal to kick the ball to get it in play? I have always encouraged my players to get the ball rolling and take quick free hits in order to take advantage of gaps in the defence and improve our transition game. I have asked my keeper to do the same…get the ball rolling and take the 16 yard free when she has the opportunity. As long as she is in the circle, is she allowed to use her kicker to do so?
Any restart, i.e. a free hit or 16 has to be started with a touch from the stick and the ball must travel one yard before it can be played by another player on his or her team. A keeper can start your 16s. In addition a 16 doesn’t need to be taken from the 16 if you’re concerned about getting the ball in play quickly. All you have to do is start it from the line that it went over the goal line, so your keeper can start a 16 with a quick push five yards from the goal line and get play going. A keeper can not start play with her kickers. I hope this clarifies things.
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