Final Year Project Help
BY CaitlinSC October 2, 2012
Dear Goalkeepers,
My name is Caitlin Clarke and i am an avid field hockey goalkeeper and product designer.
I am just about to start my final year at Nottingham Trent University and wish to combine both my passions by designing something for goalkeepers for one of my final year projects.
However, in order to do this i first need to find out what you all want, what problems you have with kit and how/where it can be improved.
So please help me out and complete the short survey on the following link:
it shouldn’t take more then around 5-10 minutes to complete.
Thank you very much for all your help and i wish you all a great season
2012-10-03 00:55:17
Hi CaitlinSC.
I have filled in your survery and also posted the link on our Club Facebook page ( so hopefully you'll get a few more responses.
Very best of luck.
2012-10-05 06:04:52
i cant get onto the survey but i think having a bit of padding on the inside of the leg would be helpful
2012-10-05 08:22:37
thanks so much, thats awesome :D i really appreciate it.
littlekeeper99, ill check it now.
2012-10-05 10:03:01
no problem and have you got any ideas on what you are going to change yet?
2012-10-13 07:03:06
after analysing the results i have back so far, the 3 main areas highlighted are: elbow pads (most issues/adjustments and most injuries) and kicker straps (most issues/ adjustments). im looking at developing initial ideas for all before choosing one to develop further into prototypes/ possible solutions.
2012-10-25 00:33:24
Can't get onto the survey but I'd like to see the following;
a new more flexible arm guard with less gaps
an adjustment to the Rebound RHP, more flexibility is needed
I seen someone somewhere, possibly on here, that was developing a hockey trainer for goalkeepers where the obo straps fitted into grooves on the bottom of the trainer. I think that's a fantastic idea.
2012-11-03 07:11:40
Hi Caitlin.
The comment, above, about goalies trainers is a useful one. What I would like to add to that is, how about looking to increase the thickness to both sides of the trainer as even though kickers give good protection a hard shot close to you can still be quite painful.
Any thoughts.
Simon Bullen.
4XI keeper Norwich City HC.
Adam B
2012-11-06 02:31:10
I second that there should be trainer made, with cut outs for the straps and side protection against hard shots, maybe a thin piece of plastic?
The other piece of equipment that needs re-designing are the shorts, they are too long and interfere on my pads and have started cutting in to the foam on my pads :( So maybe adjustable length shorts with removable/interchangeable padding?
Im only in Mansfield so can come help with testing anytime :)
2012-11-12 23:14:35
Really like the idea of the keepers trainers, would definitely buy a pair if they were available.
A problem that I constantly have is with keeping my pads tight throughout the course of a game, I am forever tightening my pads when I am not required in the play. So something that could keep pads tight would be cool!
2012-11-17 13:11:01
Hi Caitlin
I think the trainers inside is a great idea and also keeping the straps tight on the leg guards are a problem sometimes.
I am playing for Loughborough Students so if you need any help testing or anything then i would be happy to help :)
2012-11-19 03:53:09
Hi all,
the project is going well :)
i have put a little presentation together of ideas, if your interested in seeing it, drop me line:
i appreciate all the feedback i can get, although i only have a few weeks left!!
Adam, Ollie, it would be great to get in contact, have you guys try out a few designs
thanks you all so much for your help
2013-03-13 01:31:26
2013-03-13 01:32:09
This is my comments.
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