Field hockey in the US
Hi; I saw your pages on the Obo site and being a fellow Yank and in the midwest near St. Louis, I had to inquire about field hockey. All the knowledge I have with it is that it’s more a womens game. Where do you play and where would I be able to find mens matches to watch? Is there any video that you might be able to give me that shows you in action? I’m real curious as your site pictures (if that’s you keeping goal) made me want to see more. Do you use the gear made for field or do you wear hockey gear? As I said, I’m curious and any insights would be most appreciated.
Bill, for more information about field hockey in St. Louis I’d recommend contacting the US Field Hockey Association. I don’t know of much men’s field hockey in the area, but I know the sport is popular at the high school level and St. Louis University has a women’s team. The US Field Hockey Association also has videos of men’s games available. OBO goalkeeping equipment is designed specifically for field hockey, but some keepers do wear ice hockey body armour and face masks. There are a number of goalkeepers used for illustrating techniques throughout the website. Thanks for your interest.
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