Drills to impress my coach
I am a high school hockey goalie and I want to impress the new coach with some drills. I would really like to improve my skill level, but I am tired of the same old jab and punching drills. If it isn’t too inconvenient, could you please send me some good ideas.
I think I’d be remiss to give you flashy drills to impress the new coach. As a coach, the biggest thing that impresses me is a keeper’s ability to do the basic well and work hard throughout a practice, especially when you’re left to work on your own.
It’s really important when you work with a new coach to find out what her expectations are for you specifically and the position in general. Give her time to see how you’ll be used in practice. If you don’t feel you have enough time to work on specific skills or fitness, ask for time to work on those things.
I think if you take that approach and work hard and well with others, you’ll impress your coach more than with any flash drill I could give you.
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