Covering angles on the ground
When I make an initial save from a shot and end up on the ground, I find moving for a rebound shot very difficult. What I mean by this is that shuffling around quickly to cover another angle on the ground I find very little traction, bearing in mind that I don’t want to expose a path to goal underneath me when moving. What I would like to know is whether there is a technique for this, the best I can come up with is to push rather unsuccessfully with the edge of a kicker.
I don’t know that there is a technique as much as a mind set in staying with the play once grounded. Depending on the side that you’ve gone down to, you can use your hands to help get yourself up slightly and scoot over to stay with the play. The problem you’ve noted is that if you get up completely once you’ve gone down to make a save, the opponent pushes the ball under you. If you are going to use a foot to slide over, you’re probably better off taking your top leg (when you’re on your side), getting it behind your down leg (so as to not lose a saving/blocking surface on the ground) and pushing off with that to shift towards the rebound. In a lot of these situations, pretty isn’t a concern, effective is and doing whatever it takes to block the rebound.
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