Ball pushed under you
I read your tips on slide tackling, but what do you do if the ball is pushed under you. I can never get my timing quite right and the forward pushes the ball under me as I am going down making me look a right prat. Can you help me, I would be very grateful.
You are right, that ball being pushed under you as you go down is the shot that you do feel like a complete idiot letting in. I think two things help, first is not just dropping, but sliding forward at the same time you go to make your tackle. Second, is the element of vision the forward has when you make the tackle. If a forward can see you coming, there are a lot of gaps for them to see. Look to line the ball up more on your body and get down from your feet to your hip quickly dropping sideways. Your aim is to smother coming out at the forward before they have the chance to release. Speed and timing are critical. Stick with it.
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