Any words of wisdom?
Well, school just got out so that would make me an upcoming sophomore. I have loved field hockey ever since we learned how to play it in gym in the sixth grade. So I signed up for try-outs the summer before my freshman year and before I knew it, I was the starting JV goalie. I loved every minute of it. Eventually the coach advised the other goalie on JV to think about playing the field, since she was not receiving much playing time, making me the only goalie left besides the senior Varsity goalie. It didn’t even dawn on me until two weeks before the season ended that I would be the Varsity goalie next fall. That thought scared me to death. The Varsity goalie this year was "elected" the Western-Mass goalie. I have no idea how I’m supposed to follow up someone like that. Plus, to make matters worse, during the last week of the season, the Varsity coach asked me to practice with them so that if they needed me in the finals I’d be there. It was then that I realised that all my friends were on JV, and not to be pessimistic, but it’s very unlikely that they will make the team next year. I feel as if I just won’t belong with the rest of them. I would never quit because I love the sport too much and I wouldn’t leave the team without an experienced goalie. Any words of wisdom?
I hope you are still playing this fall. The thing that you talk about is loving to play and I think that’s the most important thing to remember. Goalkeeping is a different position. You talked about your friends not necessarily being able to play as you moved up and leaving them behind. Unfortunately that’s something that happens as sport becomes more competitive. As a keeper, sometimes you as an individual move up and the rest of your team-mate friends don’t. They’re still your friends. As far as the “Western Mass,” keeper, the only thing you can control is you. Don’t worry about anyone else. If you like the game and the position, enjoy it. I hope some of this is helpful.
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