The O Lab

The Science of Goal Keeping
The OBO Impact Research laboratory ( the O LAB ) is an in-house test facility that oozes technology and commitment. We know that to design and build the very best goal keeping gear we need hard data on materials and design concepts. The O Lab gives us unique insights that enable us to design products that protect you from balls traveling up to 160KPH.
Top performance requires total confidence and if you are feeling at all vulnerable you hold back - just a little - and there is no way you can play at your best.
Hockey balls are hard and travel bloody fast ! Take a look at a few impacts captured at over 1600 frames a second from the OBO LAB. Awesome ... but scary unless you are well protected by the right materials and the right designs.
A peek inside
the O LAB
If we are to design and build the world's most protective and best performing goal keeper equipment we need the facts. The O Lab is packed full of the world's most advanced impact test equipment ... and a few very clever dudes to test and help evaluate the results.

Every detail sorted by a small group of smart committed people. Video capture at speeds up to 2,000 frames per second, skin contact analysis, and accurate concussion measurements.